Hello Beautiful Life 2023 Episode 8

Mar 16, 2023

Zheng Qian and Cheng Jiaxuan had a snowball fight on the roof. The two of them were very happy, and Li Huilan called them down to do their homework. Yu Fei and Sun Xiang started to fall in love, and they were together whenever they had time, they were inseparable, and their relationship became better and better.

All the products in the supermarket are discounted, and they will be withdrawn after two weeks. Each employee will be given two coupons. Ma Shang gives the coupons to his father Ma Jianjun. Ma Jianjun invites Sun Jian to go to the supermarket to buy. The parents came to the supermarket to shop like crazy. They bought two big carts in one go. In the end, Sun wanted Ma Shang to take pictures of the two families at the entrance of the supermarket.

Sun Xin officially went to work at Liangcheng Network Company. Wu Jiang gave training to the new employees. Sun Xin listened carefully and took notes carefully. She quickly mastered the essentials. Wu Jiang won a big project with ease by virtue of her strong public relations skills. , Sun Xin looked at him with admiration, and Wu Jiang took the opportunity to invite Sun Xin to dinner. The relationship between Sun Xiang and Yu Fei gradually warmed up, and the two were like glue.

Sun Xiang came home very late, and Chu Xiaoyu waited for her at the entrance of the subway station, and vomited bitterness to her. Recently, Sun Xin went out early and returned late, and Chu Xiaoyu couldn't see anyone at all. He was worried that Sun Xin would be deceived by Wu Jiang, so please Sun Xiang Help them both. After the milk tea shop closed, Sun Xiang stayed at home to maintain the official account, and the number of fans quickly reached 10,000. Li Huilan nagged in her ear, urging her to find a job as soon as possible.

Yu Fei came to Yanxi's coffee shop to promote, and accidentally revealed that Sun Xiang was unemployed, and Yan Xi was about to ask Sun Xiang to come to the store to help, so she called him right away. Yu Fei didn't want Sun to see him, so he quickly hid aside. Chu Xiaoyu happened to pass by, and took Yu Fei to drink and relax. Yu Fei still had a few clients to talk to, and agreed to find time to accompany him again. Sun Xiang made several special desserts. Yan Xi and her roommate Qianmo were full of praise for her craftsmanship, and asked her to stay and help, and promised to share dividends with her. Naturally, Sun Xiang couldn't ask for more.

Sun Xin's efforts were recognized by the company, coupled with Wu Jiang's strong recommendation, Sun Xin got a big project, and she expressed her gratitude to Wu Jiang. Chu Xiaoyu came to pick up Sun Xin from get off work, and Sun Xin was about to go out for dinner with Wu Jiang, so Chu Xiaoyu had to leave angrily. Wu Jiang saw that Chu Xiaoyu liked Sun Xin, and Sun Xin repeatedly explained that they grew up together, and that Chu Xiaoyu was hostile to the men around her.

Chu Xiaoyu was upset and called Yu Fei to drink and relax. Chu Xiaoyu felt that his biggest problem was lack of money. Yu Fei suggested that he change his courtyard house into a homestay, and Chu Xiaoyu was immediately tempted. Sun Xin guessed that Sun Xiang would reveal her situation to Chu Xiaoyu. Sun Xiang thought they were a good match, and Sun Xin hoped that Chu Xiaoyu would be as self-motivated as Wu Jiang.

Yan Xi found that something was wrong with Qian Mo, she often received baby supplies, and often hid on the sidelines to make phone calls. Yan Xi was very puzzled, so Qian Mo had to admit that she had a child, and briefly told her story. Chu Xiaoyu found out the contact information of Jin Xiaoya's client, Boss Zhou, from the computer. He called and asked Boss Zhou to meet and talk about the courtyard house. Jin Xiaoya overheard their call, and Chu Xiaoyu repeatedly explained that he would not rob her. client.


