Wrong Carriage, Right Groom 2023 Episode 12

Sep 12, 2023

The groom sent by Wang Huzi wanted to forcibly break into the inner courtyard to check Qi Tianlei's whereabouts. Xiaoxi came forward to stop the groom in the name of the old lady, but Xiaoxi couldn't last long in this situation, and hoped that Qi Tianlei and Li Yuhu would come back as soon as possible. Wang Huzi told Ke Shizhao the news from the groom, saying that Qi Tianlei and Li Yuhu had never shown up in the inner courtyard. Ke Shizhao thought of the letter from Lao Guan and suspected that the people who went to Jiangzhou to check on the blind old lady were Qi Tianlei and his wife. Ke Shizhao sent a letter to Lao Guan to ask the other party to kill the blind old lady.

Qi Tianlei and Li Yuhu inquired all the way to Baique nunnery, and they came to the nunnery to inquire about the whereabouts of the blind old lady, but after many inquiries, they did not know that there was a blind beggar old lady in the nunnery. Qi Tianlei guessed that the blind old lady might have changed her identity because she had been hunted down for many years, and then they found out that there was a blind master named Luxuan in the nunnery, who came to the nunnery to become a nun last year, and had wandered around many places before this time.

Qi Tianlei and Li Yuhu pretended to be passers-by and approached Mrs. Luxuan, and even told the story of their acquaintance with Ji Jingtang. Mrs. Luxuan was very panicked when she heard Ji Jingtang's name. Qi Tianlei said that he is the third son of the Qi family, and he came to Jiangzhou this time to find the old beggar old lady. They are witnesses. However, Lu Xuan said that the two had identified the wrong person, and she had lived in the nunnery for a long time and had no idea what the two said. Qi Tianlei knew that Master Lu Xuan didn't trust them too much, so he could only try to gain their trust for the present.

Qi Tianlei and Li Yuhu decided to find Master Luxuan again to gain their trust. They went to the back mountain to look for Luxuan, but Luxuan still refused to admit his identity. Laoguan led people to find Baique Temple, and they tried to kill the blind old lady to silence her. Qi Tianlei and Li Yuhu protected Lu Xuan one after another. During the fight, Qi Tianlei injured his arm in order to save Li Yuhu.

Li Yuhu found out that Qi Tianlei was injured after getting rid of Laoguan and other people's tracking. Li Yuhu bandaged Qi Tianlei's wound. She felt sorry for Qi Tianlei's injury and blamed herself for failing to protect Qi Tianlei. Luxuan knew that her whereabouts were leaked now, and it was no longer safe to hide in Baique Temple. She listened to Li Yuhu's persuasion and decided to follow them to Linzhou to expose Ke Shizhao's evil deeds. Suffering from having no way to redress her grievances, now Mr. Qi San is willing to help, and she is willing to go to the old matriarch to tell the truth.

Li Yuhu found out that the way down the mountain was blocked by Lao Guan and others. In order to go down the mountain successfully, she asked Qi Tianlei to pretend to be Ye Xianglang, and she also pretended to be a nun in Baique'an. The three successfully escaped the interception and went down the mountain. Laoguan learned that Qi Tianlei and others had gone down the mountain, and ordered someone to pass the news to Ke Shizhao, so that they could arrange in advance to guard outside Linzhou City to stop the three who had fled.

Liu Ruoqian brought his wife to the barracks. At this time, news of a complete victory came from the barracks. Sha Pingwei took Liu Ruoqian and his wife to see Yuan Buqu. After learning that Liu Ruoqian brought his wife, Yuan Buqu and Du Bingyan thanked their godfather together. godmother. Du Bingyan inquired about Li Yuhu's recent situation, and Liu Ruoqian said that Li Yuhu and Qi Sanzi have similar personalities and similar interests, and the two are considered to be a good match.

Liu Ruoqian learned that now the front line has won a complete victory, and Qi Tianlei and his wife in Linzhou are still entangled with the villains. He wants to understand the military affairs as soon as possible and rush back to Linzhou to help Qi Tianlei. Princess Changping was dissatisfied with the consort chosen by the queen, and she expressed that she would choose someone she liked to be willing to marry. At this time, the news came from the front line that Yuan Buqu had won four battles with Fanbang. The queen admired this man very much and intended to recruit her daughter as a concubine.

The father-in-law of the decree came to the border. Because of Yuan Buqu's meritorious service in defending against the enemy, he was conferred the title of Marquis of Dingbei and married Princess Changping. Yuan Buqu refused to accept the order, saying that he had just married a new wife, and he had a deep relationship with his wife. He did not want his wife to be wronged and become a concubine, but if he refused to obey the order, he might even sit in the house and hurt his siblings Companion. Yuan Buqu thought of the fellow soldiers who killed the enemy together on the battlefield, so he could only accept the imperial decree of marriage temporarily.


