NewJeans' Agency Asks Fans Not To Give Members Letters At Airport

Apr 4, 2024

NewJeans' Agency Asks Fans Not To Give Members Letters At Airport

ADOR has asked fans to refrain from giving NewJeans letters at the airport or sending gifts of any kind.

On April 5 KST, ADOR released a notice entitled “Information on How to Deliver Fan Letters to NewJeans (No Giving Letters at the Airport).”

The agency explained that because “giving presents or fan letters during a congested situation with heavy human traffic may lead to dangerous accidents,” NewJeans would not be accepting letters from fans at the airport.

ADOR also emphasized that “NewJeans do not receive gifts” from fans at all, “and fan letters are only accepted through the designated PO box or NewJeans fan club managers during open music shows or in-person fan sign events.”

The agency’s full English statement can be found below:

"Hello, this is ADOR.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the fans who have been showing love and support for NewJeans.

Many dangerous instances have occurred recently during NewJeans’s departure and arrival, such as a large crowd gathering at the airport.
Giving presents or fan letters during a congested situation with heavy human traffic may lead to dangerous accidents, requiring extra caution.
As such, we would like to inform you, as we have in the initial notice, that fan letters can be delivered only through the designated methods.

NewJeans do not receive gifts, including support,
and fan letters are only accepted through the designated PO box or NewJeans fan club managers during open music shows or in-person fan sign events.

For more detailed information, please check [NOTICE: LINK].

Please be advised gifts and fan letters left in unofficial locations or delivered using undesignated methods will not be delivered.

We ask for your generous understanding and cooperation for the safety of fans and NewJeans.
ADOR will continue to strive to create a sound fan culture and protect the safety and rights of our artists.

Thank you."


cr: Soompi

Tags: #NewJeans;

