Like Flowers in Sand 2023 K Drama Episode 2

Dec 21, 2023

The episode starts with Baek-du interrogating Oh Yu-kyung if she is Du-sik. However, she denies it immediately and says that he has mistaken her for someone else. But he does not change his mind and insists that the girl has to be his childhood friend, Du-sik, who uprooted her entire life from the town without informing him or any other person.

In a flashback, Baek-du’s childhood is shown when he spends most of his time with Du-sik. Her personality was very dominant as a child, and she was always the leader of a group. She was also extremely brave and possessed tomboyish traits. Moreover, she also participated in ssireum and was extremely good at the sport.

Later, Baek-du starts asking around about the whereabouts of the new girl in town. He asks his friend if she resembles Du-sik, but his friend outright denies it. Nevertheless, he remains determined in his prospect to find out her true identity. Kwak Jin-Su suddenly appears and asks Baek-du about his retirement from ssireum. He says that he is no longer interested in the sport and has no desire to participate in it.

Like Flowers in Sand Episode 2 Recap and Review: Baek-du Embarks on a Mission to Unveil the Mysteries of Du-sik

A small get-together is organised by the society Baek-du lives in, and Yu-kyung is also invited. Everyone wonders who the new girl is and starts inquiring about her job and family. She reveals her name and says that she is a civil servant who is in town for work. Baek-du follows her after and she gets annoyed with him for constantly bugging her. He says that he has retired from ssireum which makes Yu-kyung angry and Baek-du’s suspicions increase.

Baek-du walks along the road and notices that the ssireum team has employed new officials and players. He is shocked to find out that Du-shik is also part of the team. Some players start to mock her and question her ability to manage the team. However, she shows off her skills and swiftly picks up the player and throws him to the ground, securing her position in the team. Meanwhile, the police try to find out the victim they find in the river and conclude that there is something bigger brewing in plain sight.

Like Flowers in Sand Episode 2 Recap and Review: Baek-du Embarks on a Mission to Unveil the Mysteries of Du-sik

Baek-du meets his father, who asks him to follow him to the stadium. His father asks Baek-du to fight him one last time and decide whether or not he actually wants to retire. But no matter how many times he tried, he could not win the match against his father. He finally admits that he has no interest in the sport and sees no future for himself in it.

Yu-kyung also arrives at the stadium and finds Baek-du lying on the ground, defeated. Baek-du continues to question her about her identity and coerces her to admit that she is, in fact, Du-sik. When she is just about to answer, a certain someone appears who happens to be her lover.

Like Flowers in Sand Episode 2 Review: Final Thoughts

The latest episode has significantly advanced the plot, introducing numerous elements deliberately shrouded in mystery for a later, impactful revelation. Furthermore, the characters undergo substantial development, providing viewers with deeper insights into their personalities and backgrounds, a noteworthy accomplishment within just the second episode. The narrative remains exhilarating due to its deliberately incomplete nature, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating further revelations and ensuring a continuous sense of excitement throughout the unfolding story.

Like Flowers in Sand Episode 2 Recap and Review: Baek-du Embarks on a Mission to Unveil the Mysteries of Du-sik


