Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show "Agents Of Mystery"

May 28, 2024

Netflix’s upcoming variety show “Agents of Mystery” has unveiled character stills!

“Agents of Mystery” is a mystery adventure show in which Lee Yong Jin, Lee Eun Ji, John Park, Girl’s Day’s Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, and aespa’s Karina track and solve strange cases that cannot be explained scientifically. The show is produced by PD Jung Jong Yeon of “The Devil’s Plan,” “The Genius,” “The Great Escape,” and more.

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

The character stills showcase a team of six mystery investigators deeply engrossed in investigating a strange case. Lee Yong Jin, embodying the role of the leader of the investigative team, is a clever and strategically adept individual who finds himself tasked with handling unexpected events. Lee Yong Jin expressed his eagerness to immerse himself in the world crafted by PD Jung Jong Yeon. He explained, “As the eldest figure, I aimed to take charge in tough situations, whether they’re physically or mentally demanding.” He added, “The production team, known for creating some of the best mystery entertainment programs in South Korea, has meticulously crafted this, so we hope you’ll become fully immersed.”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

John Park, known as the “brain” of the investigative team, calmly and efficiently solves mysterious cases. With a passion for unraveling mysteries and puzzles, he didn’t hesitate to join the cast, being a fan of PD Jung Jong Yeon. He stated, “I immersed myself in mysterious situations and continuously observed my surroundings to avoid missing any clues. I hope you’ll fully dive into this cool and mysterious world.”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

Lee Eun Ji, the team’s morale booster, offers various ideas for solving missions with her keen observation skills, always ready to praise her teammates for their efforts. Eager to dive into mystery entertainment, Lee Eun Ji mentioned, “I aimed to unite everyone’s strength to tackle challenges together and provide support to my fellow members. If you’re a mystery enthusiast, you’re sure to be captivated.”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

Hyeri, known as the “all-rounder ace” of the team, will use her formidable focus and rapid mental agility to uncover crucial clues in the case. She shared her fondness for brain-combat shows such as “The Devil’s Plan” and “The Genius” and has enjoyed participating in escape room games while traveling. She mentioned, “With it being a project by PD Jung Jong Yeon, whom I trust and admire, I had no hesitation about joining.” Hyeri further highlighted, “Every member of the investigative team was fully immersed in the given scenarios, and I also tackled each challenge with careful consideration and problem-solving. I wish everyone an exhilarating summer with ‘Agents of Mystery.'”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

Kim Do Hoon, a mystery buff, is the dependable action-oriented individual who swiftly navigates situations with fervor and creativity. He has enjoyed PD Jung Jong Yeon’s previous projects and remarked, “Since I couldn’t foresee what was coming next, I concentrated on the immediate scenario and gave my all to tackle the assigned missions. I found myself completely absorbed in the flawless setup and expansive universe-building. I hope the excitement and dopamine rush I felt can be fully transmitted to the viewers.”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

aespa’s Karina, a lover of mystery fiction, is a resourceful quartermaster of team, always quick to grab whatever seems necessary. She explained, “Since I’m the oldest in aespa but trying out the youngest role for the first time here, I felt like I should be of help to the other members. I aimed to be helpful by carrying various items and playing my part as the youngest. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed participating.”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

Finally, PD Jung Jong Yeon stated, “While all the cases, locations, and missions in the show are prepared by the production team, the six participants have no prior information.” He emphasized, “The show stands out as they experience these situations as reality, facing and solving them like real-life incidents.” He went on to say, “To ensure the participants’ immersion and realistic experiences, we have undertaken extensive preparations surpassing the usual standards for television dramas and movies.” In conclusion, he stated, “I trust that the excitement of adventure felt by these participants will resonate fully with the viewers. I hope everyone enjoys it.”

Karina, Hyeri, Kim Do Hoon, And More Dish On Their Roles In New Variety Show

“Agents of Mystery” premieres on June 18.


cr: Soompi


