10 Most Searched Dramas In Korea is based on the data of Mar. 10 daily searched dramas.

Mar 11, 2019


Naver has a ranking of the most searched dramas in Korea with a daily ranking. Being searched online does not mean that these dramas are the most watched, but it is the most issued dramas of the day. It is also interesting to see the changing trends with dramas going up and down from the searching list (changing every day).


This list is based on the data of Mar. 10 daily searched dramas.


1- “My Only One


2- “Romance is a Bonus Book


3- “The Fiery Priest


4- “Big Issue


5- “Liver Or Die” 


6- Love in Sadness


7- “Dazzling


8- “Possessed” 


9- “Touch Your Heart


10- “Babel



most searched kdrama, most popular korean drama


New dramas “Big Issue” and “Possessed” entered the ranking. “Touch Your Heart” entered again the ranking. “My Only One” stayed the number one. On the overall, the top 10 does not show much change from last week.



