Yoo Ah In’s Agency Releases Statement Regarding Speculative Reports + To Take Legal Action

Apr 12, 2023

Yoo Ah In’s Agency Releases Statement Regarding Speculative Reports + To Take Legal Action


Yoo Ah In’s agency has released a statement regarding the recent reports of the actor’s use of drugs.

The following is the full statement from United Artist Agency (UAA):

"First, we apologize for causing concern with the unpleasant matter regarding actor Yoo Ah In.

Until now, Yoo Ah In and the agency have refrained from making any comments regarding information on the relevant investigation or responses while the police investigation is underway. As Yoo Ah In revealed in his past statement, his stance that he will dutifully partake in the relevant investigation and that he will receive all punishment has not changed.

However, the details of an investigation that is not yet closed and should be kept undisclosed in principle have for some unknown reason been revealed to the press. Furthermore, we would like to correct the facts in relation to the situation in which unconfirmed news is being continuously circulated and spread.

On April 11, there were two separate exclusive reports regarding Yoo Ah In.
April 11 Kookmin Ilbo’s report [Exclusive] “Yoo Ah In visits Itaewon clubs every week with models and broadcast entertainers. Suspected of drugs.”
April 11 Yonhap News TV’s report [Exclusive] “Yoo Ah In excessive intake of zolpidem. Fifth type of drug.”

First, we would like to discuss the Kookmin Ilbo exclusive report.

The report in question was written only based on the witness story of informant “A.” Furthermore, there were no fact-checks done regarding the witness, and they made the report only based on speculations. The relevant report has already been circulated by other press with provocative headlines [including words] such as “shocking” and “expose,” and it has been made to look as if he came across drugs at the club every week.

Kookmin Ilbo used the allegations of informant “A” as basis for unconfirmed “suspicions” such as [the informant saying], “He didn’t order much alcohol, but there were many reactions saying it was weird because he was excessively drunk,” and, “He smoked in a corner, but it didn’t smell like normal cigarettes.”

We would like to ask how Kookmin Ilbo verified the claims made by “A.” From what we have verified, smoking is not allowed indoors of the relevant club lounges, and there are separate open smoking areas. We express great regret at large media outlets such as Kookmin Ilbo making reports based on someone’s guess without fact-checking.

Accordingly, we plan on taking legal action in relation to the relevant report by Kookmin Ilbo.

Next, we would like to discuss Yonhap News TV’s report on zolpidem.

It is true that Yoo Ah In has been taking sleeping pills for a long time due to sleep disorder. In the past, he took sleeping pills with the relevant substance. However, in the recent past six months, he replaced [the original pills] with sleeping pills of a different ingredient. He has never used [the pills] for any other purpose than sleep. The truth of that will be revealed through the police investigation.

Regardless of this, the details of the investigations, which should be non-disclosed in principle, are continuously being disclosed to the public. Due to this, we express grave concern that [news of] the suspicions, which have not even been confirmed, is being circulated as if they were confirmed.

There are some aspects that we need to clarify the factual relationship of regarding the other suspicions Yoo Ah In is receiving, but in the current situation of the ongoing police investigation, we do not think it is respectful to the investigative agency to do so.

However, we will take legal action and respond actively to serious fake news that is unrelated to the details of the police investigation as well as unconfirmed and indiscriminate speculative type of reports.

We ask for your understanding."

Earlier in February, police began investigating Yoo Ah In for the illegal use of propofol, and the actor was later reported to have tested positive for marijuana as well as cocaine and ketamine. On April 11, an official from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency stated that Yoo Ah In was suspected for using zolpidem. Last month, Yoo Ah In also posted an apology following the police investigation.


Source: Soompi

Tags: #Yoo Ah In;

