The Worst of Evil (2023) K Drama Episode 10 with Ji Chang Wook & Wi Ha Joon

Oct 25, 2023

Episode 10 of The Worst of Evil starts with Jun-mo asking Gi-cheul to join him for some drinks. There, Jun-mo asks his boss why he was kept in the dark about the deal with Oyama and the Japanese clients. Gi-cheul apologises for keeping Jun-mo (Seung-ho) in the dark and tells him that since Seung-ho managed the Chinese client, it was only right for him to take care of the Japanese.

Gi-cheul asks him about his relationship with Hae-ryun but Jun-mo (Seung-ho) dismisses it, calling it business. Hi-cheul shocks Jun-mo when he tells him that the upcoming deal between Japan, Korea and China was his last in the business as he was going to start a new life. He asks Jun-mo (Seung-ho) to take over the business in his absence as he wants to live a normal life with Eui-jeong.

Jun-mo is perplexed by the revelation and tries to convince Gi-cheul to give up on Eui-jeong as she is a cop. Gi-cheul is unbothered by the reality check and asks Jun-mo (Seung-ho) to take over his business.

The next day, Jun-mo drives Gi-cheul to a conference where they wait for Eui-jeong. Gi-cheul tells Eui-jeong about the upcoming project that he is going to invest in but Min-goo shows up. He wonders what business Gi-cheul was running to be able to make such a huge investment. Min-goo however, asks where he was hiding Yankees. He accuses Gi-cheul of killing Yankees like he killed Manager Cho and adds that he knew Gi-cheul was the main supplier of Gangnam Crystal.

Min-goo asks Gi-cheul to leave the drug trade and make his way out of the crime world. He also offers to investigate the murder of his informant, Mr Cheon, in exchange for Gi-cheul’s compliance. The conference continues by introducing Gi-cheul as the leading investor in the project and Min-goo causes a scene, praising Gi-cheul before he leaves.

Outside, Detective Gomes takes photos of all the attendees in secret as per Ming-goo’s order. Jun-mo leaves the conference and gives an angry call to Do-hyung, scolding him and Chang-sik about Min-goo’s interference with the case. He adds that the cop had now seen Eui-jeong’s face which meant that she was in danger now, more than ever.

Do-hyung and Chang-sik discuss Min-goo’s involvement with the Jaegon group’s Ki-soo and wonder what to do about them. Chang-sik calls Min-goo’s superior and asks him to control the cop. That evening, Hae-ryun joins Gi-cheul, Eui-jeong and Jun-mo (Seung-ho) for dinner. Gi-cheul introduces her as Seung-ho’s girlfriend and introduces Eui-jeong as his girlfriend.

There is awkwardness in the air as Hae-ryun and Eui-jeong chat about their respective jobs while Gi-cheul lies to Eui-jeong. He explains how Hae-ryun came from a wealthy Korean-Chinese family and that she was helping her father run his culinary business. Eui-jeong asks Hae-ryun was in love with Seung-ho and she states that she is.

Eui-jeong asks Seung-ho (Jun-mo) if he too feels the same way but he tries to deny it. Hae-ryun intervenes and tells Eui-jeong that Seung-ho also feels the same way. Hae-ryun asks Eui-jeong if she is really dating Gi-cheul who was her high school lover. Eui-jeong states that she is and touches Gi-cheul’s arm, which does not sit well with Jun-mo.

Hae-ryun asks Jun-mo (Seung-ho) for a drink and excuses herself from the conversation. On their walk, Hae-ryun tells Jun-mo that she is going to live in Korea, the land of her grandfather, and run a business there. She asks him to buy her some apples and explains how red apples are considered to be a sign of good fortune. Hae-ryun adds that gifting people watches was considered to be a bad sign in China which is why she hated Gi-cheul’s gift to her.

They go back to Hae-ryun’s hotel room and she tries to kiss Jun-mo. He holds back, claiming that he has a plan to have a long-term relationship with Hae-ryun and he wants to take things slow. She tells him that she has also decided to change her name and settle down in Korea. The two flirt with each other and Jun-mo states that he was worried of being in liking Hae-ryun more than he initially imagined.

Meanwhile, Min-goo gathers Manager Cho’s team and asks them to think about all the suppliers involved with Gi-cheul aside from Yankees. Dodgers, who is also there, suggests that Meth Park was an important dealer who often met Yankees. Min-goo asks Dodgers to call Meth Park for a meeting.

Gi-cheul drives Eui-jeong home and apologises for Hae-ryun’s behaviour towards her. He promised that things were soon going to change in his life and that he would only introduce her to good people going forward. The next day, Gi-cheul, Jong-ryul, Hee-sung and Jun-mo get together for celebratory drinks. Hee-sung explains that they would collect the drugs from the Chinese client with Jun-mo’s ( Seung-ho’s) help. Hee-sung adds that they would then collect the drugs and transport them to their guy who would take them to the relevant factories.

Gi-cheul asks Jong-ryul to take care of Min-goo if need be as he was causing a hindrance to their deal. Jong-ryul tries to ask about the middleman they were handing the drugs over to but Hee-sung diverts the conversation. He explains that 50% of the profit would go to the future of the business and the remaining 50% would be divided among the four of them. Hee-sung explains that Gi-cheul often took 40% of the remaining profit while he and Jung-bae took 30% each.

Gi-cheul states that since it is just the four of them now, he will take 30% along with Hee-sung and pay Jong-ryul and Seung-ho (Jun-mo) 20% each. Hee-sung wonders why Gi-cheul is okay to settle for less but the boss states that Seung-ho needs to be rewarded as his contribution to the deal was the highest.

That evening, Min-goo uses Dodger’s help to catch Meth Park who turns out to be Jun-mo’s father. Meth Park tells the cop that he had nothing to do with the higher up and that the Yankees were the middleman who transported the drugs from Gi-cheul to the dealers. Chang-sik learns that Min-goo was behind a guy named Meth Park and tells Do-hyung about it.

Do-hyung recognises the drug dealer to be Jun-mo’s father and is worried. He asks Chang-sik to keep the news a secret from Jun-mo and tries to handle the case his way. He meets his informant who tells him about Yankees’ pregnant girlfriend – Wendy.

Do-hyung goes to Wendy and learns that she was processing the drugs for supply and was still using despite being pregnant. Do-hyung offers to help Wendy deliver her baby in a women’s shelter instead of being jailed for her involvement in the case. He asks her to talk to Min-goo and lead him to Yankees so that the cop would stop bothering Jun-mo’s father.

Wendy shows up at Min-goo’s station and tells him that Yankees was allegedly beaten up by Manager Cho. He tells her that there was no evidence to prove the fact but Wendy points at Jong-ryul and asks the cop to go after Gi-cheul’s chief knifer.

She lies to Min-goo telling him that Yankees had told her that Jong-ryul committed many murders including that of Manager Cho. She states that she was worried that the bad guys would get to her too and that she wanted to protect herself. She asks Min-goo to arrest her for possession of drugs and pay her off for the helpful tip.

That day, Min-goo shows up at the Union and arrests Jong-ryul. Jun-mo tries to intervene but Min-goo shoves him off. Gi-cheul is shocked at the arrest but Min-goo mocks him, threatening him to leave the business. Hee-sung tells Gi-cheul that Wendy had ratted out Jong-ryul after hearing about it from Yankees. Gi-cheul wonders how Yankees found out who it was that killed Manager Cho as Yankees wasn’t even with them at the time.

He starts doubting Jung-bae and asks Hee-sung to check what he is up to. Hee-sung asks Jun-mo to talk to Hae-ryun and deliver more product as it was their last consignment. Gi-cheul uses his connection with a cop in Min-goo’s prison to send a message to Jong-ryul.

The cop conveys Gi-cheul’s words to Jong-ryul and asks him to exercise his right to remain silent. That night, Jun-mo tells Do-hyung that they can trust the fact that Jong-ryul wouldn’t betray Gi-cheul. He also adds that the operation was on its last legs and this was their only shot at getting to Gi-cheul as everyone was going to leave the business following this.

Do-hyung asks Jun-mo to calm down as he is worried Jun-mo won’t be able to make it back out of this. Jun-mo promises that he is okay and asks do-hyung to make sure everything goes according to plan. At the police station, Min-goo tries to interrogate Jong-ryul but when the knifer doesn’t respond, Min-goo is pissed. He asks Detective Go to bring Wendy to him and is shocked to learn that the Narcotics Bureau has arrested her already.

Do-hyung sends an informant cop to check if Jong-ryul is betraying Gi-cheul and Jun-mo but is relieved to learn that the knifer was exercising his right to remain silent during the interrogation.

The next day, Jun-mo meets Hae-ryun and asks her to see if the Chinese clients would be willing to transport more product. He promises to help keep her safe in case of any difficulty during the trade. Hae-ryun agrees to send 30 kilograms of drugs instead of the original 16 kilograms.

Meanwhile, the Korean workers at the Chinese factory work till exhaustion to meet the new increased product quantity. Chang-sik meets his team and asks them to lay low and gather evidence as Jun-mo leads the operation. Eui-jeong seems stressed thinking about the upcoming deal.

That night, Jun-mo drives Gi-cheul to the port while Hee-sung follows in a different car. They arrive at the port and go “fishing” while Hee-sung waits in the car, keeping watch. At the same time, Jung-bae shows up at the Union and finds it empty. He sits in Gi-cheul’s chair inside his locked cabin and waits. The episode ends with Jun-mo accompanying Gi-cheul on the boat.

The Episode Review

It looks like this search for Yankees is a distraction as we all know that the actor playing the role has been sentenced to probation for evading wrongfully Korean Military Enlistment. I wish the makers of this show hadn’t included his character to begin with as it seems so confusing the see the character for one episode and him being MIA for the rest of the season. 

With that being said, it looks like Jun-mo is going through a personal battle that has made him extremely furious. He could also be totally in love with Hae-ryun as she is the one who sees the best in him, no matter what. Despite Eui-jeong’s faith in Jun-mo, he longed for the validation that Hae-ryun was giving him.

Now as Jun-mo sees Gi-cheul with his wife, I am very certain that their marriage won’t make through this. I had expected Gi-cheul to be hurt by Jun-mo’s betrayal but it looks like Jung-bae is going to do the same before Jun-mo can.


