Directed by Kim Yoo Jin and penned by Byun Sook Kyung, “Dog Knows Everything” is a new sitcom about a group of very active senior citizens and a former police dog named Sophie. With its bl
Based on a webtoon, “Bunny and Her Boys” (working title) is set in a university and follows the growth story of Ban Hee Jin. After experiencing heartbreak from her first love, which ended
Directed by Kim Yoo Jin and penned by Byun Sook Kyung, “Dog Knows Everything” is a new sitcom about a group of very active senior citizens and a former police dog named Sophie. With its bl
Directed by Kim Yoo Jin and penned by Byun Sook Kyung, “Dog Knows Everything” is a new sitcom about a group of very active senior citizens and a former police dog named Sophie. The drama s
“Dog Knows Everything” is a new crime-solving sitcom starring veteran actor Lee Soon Jae as himself. When a scandal tarnishes his reputation, Lee Soon Jae flees to Geoje Island, where he e
Directed by Kim Yoo Jin and penned by Byun Sook Kyung, “Dog Knows Everything” is a new sitcom about a group of very active senior citizens and a former police dog named Sophie. The drama h
The new teaser shows the first meeting between famous actor Lee Soon Jae, who is taking time off after an unexpected incident on set, and Sophie, who is now stationed on Geoje Island. Lee Soon Jae is
Directed by Kim Yoo Jin and penned by Byun Sook Kyung, “Dog Knows Everything” is a new sitcom about a group of very active senior citizens and a former police dog named Sophie. With its bl
“Dog Knows Everything” is a new sitcom about a group of very active senior citizens and a former police dog named Sophie. Present at the script reading were director Kim Yoo Jin and writer
fromis_9’s Lee Chaeyoung will not be able to participate in tonight’s KBS’s 2023 Music Bank Global Festival due to health concerns.