“Rookie Cops” is a Disney+ original series about a group of new students entering police university and working towards their dream. The cast includes Kang Daniel, Chae Soo Bin, Lee Shin Y
The newly released stills capture how Wi Seung Hyun’s and Go Eun Kang’s lives become intertwined following an unexpected incident. Although the exact situation is unclear, Wi Seung Hyun lo
The chemistry between the two actors within the series is expected to captivate viewers. The newly released teasers depict a sweet connection and romantic synergy between the characters that will make
Kang Daniel recently spoke about his role in the upcoming drama “Rookie Cops”!
The series revolves around a group of new students entering the police academy and working towards their dream. The cast includes Kang Daniel, Chae Soo Bin, Lee Shin Young, Park Yoo Na, Park Seong Jun