Directed by Park Beom Soo, “Victory” is a youth film starring Hyeri, Park Se Wan, Lee Jung Ha, Jo Aram and others. The film depicts the story of Geoje Commercial High School’s cheerl
Directed by Park Beom Soo, “Victory” is a youth film starring Hyeri, Park Se Wan, Lee Jung Ha, Jo Aram and others. The film depicts the story of Geoje Commercial High School’s cheerl
Directed by Park Beom Soo, “Victory” is a youth film starring Hyeri, Park Se Wan, Lee Jung Ha, Jo Aram and others. The film depicts the story of Geoje Commercial High School’s cheerl
This week, the new time-slip drama rose to No. 1 on Good Data Corporation’s list of the TV dramas that generated the most buzz. The company determines each week’s rankings by collecting da