Otona Koukou Spinoff ~ Enjou no Cherry Christmas

Otona Koukou Spinoff ~ Enjou no Cherry Christmas

On December 23rd (the day before Christmas Eve) Sakura Himetani (Airi Matsui) has been abducted by an “international terrorist”, and it’s suspected that the abductor wants access to the highly classified information related to the school. Arakawa (Haruma Miura) believes that if he’s able to successfully rescue Himetani, then not only would he become a national hero but he would then be able to form a relationship with Himetani and successfully graduate from Otona Koukou. He gathers some his friends from school to help with the rescue mission. Suddenly, he receives a message on a dating app from a very attractive girl called Ayano (Riria Koijima) who wants to set up a meeting. This causes Arakawa to become distracted from the already stressful rescue mission.
Released: 2017
Genres: ["Mystery","Comedy","Romance"]
Country: Japan
Status: Complete
