Lies (1999)

Lies (1999)

At the age of 38, Jay (Lee Sang-hyun) was a well-known sculptor. But now he doesn't do anything. 18-year-old Y (Kim Tae-yeon), a third-year high school student who lives in a small town in the countryside. After calling Jay to introduce us as friends, she quickly becomes friends with him and meets him every Sunday afternoon at the inn. Jay's beating, which begins by beating Y's ass, becomes an important foreplay for them. The relationship between Y and Jay hitting is gradually reversed, and now Jay hits and Y starts hitting. Then one day, when Y's brother finds out about their relationship, a commotion erupts and the two eventually break up. Jay organizes everything and returns to his wife in Paris, but Wai goes to see him with only a single pickaxe. Early the next morning after meeting him, Y heads to Brazil without even sharing tea with Jay. Jay's wife asks who my name is written on his thigh, but Jay lies.
Released: 1999
Genres: ["Korea Movie"]
Country: Korea
Status: Complete
