Recap Chinese Drama "Love The Way You Are 2022" Episode 28

Jul 5, 2022

Yin Yibo is just not good at expressing his emotions. He likes Xia Xiaomian. Xiaomian felt Yin Yibo's sincerity and agreed to associate with him.

Qin Yiran helped Chen Ye to bring Chen Yu, but was tortured enough. The former queen of nightclubs has now become a "mother" who has to go home immediately after get off work to cook for her children. Yin can also see that she is slowly changing, and the story between her and Chen Ye has just begun.

Qin Yiran hardly cooks, so cooking is a problem for her now, but she is also working hard. Chen Yu looked at her clumsy appearance, but had no choice but to contact Chen Ye and ask him to save herself and Qin Yiran.

Chen also brought a lot of ingredients and seasonings to Qin Yiran's house, cooked a sumptuous meal for them, and left in a hurry to go to the company after finishing it.

As soon as he entered the company, he saw that Chen Musen and Xu Guangxi were working overtime to find evidence of plagiarism. Chen didn't want them to know that he had sold the house. Chen Yu left for the reason.

Chen Ye's relationship with Qin Yiran gradually warmed up. He went to Qin Yiran's house to cook every day. As the two became more and more in contact, Qin Yiran's attitude towards Chen Ye also changed. The eyes are more appreciative.

Qin Yiran went to Chen Ye's company in the evening and found him sleeping in the company, vaguely guessing that he might have sold the house.

Chen Musen and Xu Guangxi are also very smart. They noticed that Chen also came to the company in the middle of the night with a pile of toiletries. Eighty percent of them lived in the company. They guessed that maybe Chen also sold the house. Sure enough, they looked at the house selling app. Arrived at Chen Ye's house.

In order to catch the traitor, Xu Guangxi decided to lead the snake out of the hole. He deliberately said in front of everyone that he had a more optimized final ending. As long as it was published, he would know who was the plagiarist.

Because they went directly to Chen Ye to live in the company at night, they must have dragged him so that they could catch the traitor of the investment materials. This important task was handed over to Chen Musen. Chen Musen stayed at the convenience store because he wanted to talk to Chen Ye about the project, but he was absent-minded because he was waiting for news from Xu Guangxi. Chen also discovered his strangeness and forced him to tell the truth. It turned out that he and Xu Guangxi wanted to investigate the traitor. In fact, Chen also knew that this was done by someone inside the company.

Xu Guangxi's trick of leading the snake out of the hole worked, and Damai really came to the company to get the materials at night, and happened to be bumped into by Xu Guangxi, Chen Ye, and Chen Musen. Chen is also very sad, he is very sad, the brothers who usually fight side by side betrayed the company and betrayed the team.

Damai explained that it was because the company sometimes could not pay wages normally. In order to pay the rent, he borrowed usury loans, and now he could not afford it, so he cooperated with President Xie. It was unexpected for him to develop the situation so far, but he did not open the bow. Looking back, President Xie now has the leverage to threaten him, so he can only continue to do things for them.

Chen can also understand Damai. He apologized to Damai for his poor management and made everyone suffer with him, and then let Damai go.

Chen also didn't want Damai to bear the case in the future.

Yin Yi is also helping Xu Guangxi and the others silently. She took the initiative to find the wish of Huahua World, hoping that the wish can recognize the true face of the partner Mars Animation, and choose to cooperate with Chen Ye's company.

Wishing to know how much Yin Ye can do for Xu Guangxi, she proposed to let all the employees of Chen Ye's company go to Guangzhou with her, which surprised Yin Ye a little.

Qin Yiran learned about Chen Ye selling the house from Yin Ye, so she took the initiative to contact Chen Ye and let him pick up Chen Yu. Qin Yiran gave him the key to his friend's house and asked them to borrow it first, so that Chen Ye and Chen Yu could also have a place to live. After all, it's not a problem for Chen to live in the company every day.

Chen was also moved by Qin Yiran.

Just when Chen Ye and the employees were hugging and cheering each other in the company, the secretary who made a wish came to invite them to Huahua World as a guest.


