Recap Chinese Drama "Lady of Law" Episode 37

May 26, 2022

As a divorce lawyer, Jiang Qiong couldn't protect her family. She didn't want to be criticized, but she didn't know how to protect her family. She thought of her child and thought of her career, so she cried and asked Chen Ran to delete the photo. The matter of Jiang Qiong made Chen Ran completely determined. They all lived according to the moral standards of husband and wife and respectful brothers and sisters in the eyes of the world, but they never really considered their own lives. After packing up her luggage, Chen Ran came to Chen Ke's place to stay temporarily. Jian Peiran called and hoped to have another chance to explain and repent, but Chen Ran's attitude insisted that she find a lawyer as soon as possible.

Her mother-in-law blamed Jian Peiran for being immoral, but she still felt that Chen Ran should return to the family for Yangyang and her dignity as a woman. Jian Peiran knew about Chen Ran, he knew that divorce was not something she just said casually. The two sides came to Yangyang school to wait to pick up the children. The mother-in-law first apologized and saw that Chen Ran was firm, and then took out a arrogant look of someone who came over and accused Chen Ran of being too old to remarry. Zhu Yangyang insisted on taking her home. In order to protect her sister, Chen Ke stepped forward to stop her, but was pushed to the ground by Jian Peiran. Chen Ran took care of his younger brother's wounds in distress. Chen Ke had a deep understanding of Yangyang's current situation. He knew that a reluctant marriage would not make his children happy. Yangyang ran away from Jian Peiran to find Chen Ran, she still had a glimmer of hope and hope that the problem between her parents could still be resolved.

Song Xiu invited Li Gongming to dinner. The master and apprentice drank beer and ate side dishes. Li Gongming was also very relaxed and happy. He had been following Song Xiu's growth and had read the files he organized. excellent. During the dinner, Li Gongming had a headache and took out the medicine and took it. The sharp-eyed Song Xiu wrote down the name of the medicine and found out that Li Gongming had a brain tumor. He drank alone in the community with tears in his eyes, and Xu Jie silently accompanied him for a long time before walking to his side.

Song Xiu felt guilty for Chengtai's immoral competitive behavior towards Mingtang, but Li Gongming not only didn't care, but also persuaded him to do what he could do. Song Xiu therefore hoped that Xu Jie could win the case of Lian Chuang. . Xu Jie finally said that Sun Jian, who committed suicide by jumping off the building, bought Lianchuang financial products through her. She always felt ashamed that she went to Qing'an this time to seek justice for him. Song Xiu took the initiative to ask Huang Yaoqing to participate in Lianchuang's case. He was confident of winning and the condition was to give himself the position of senior partner.

Xu Jie came to Sun Jian's parents' house, explained her purpose and confessed that Sun Jian bought Lianchuang financial products from her. Sun Jian's parents were so emotional that they not only beat Xu Jie, but also drove her away behind closed doors. Sun Zhewei and Song Xiu also came to Sun Jian's parents' house. Sun Zhewei took the settlement agreement that Sun Cailu had signed and asked his wife Hong Li to sign it, but Hong Li couldn't bear the money she got with her son's life. Lian Chuang also paid the price, but if they did not sign the contract, they would have to pay a huge amount of money.

Xu Jie covered the mark of the beating on her face with foundation, and Song Xiu came to meet her at the residence. Although Xu Jie did not want Song Xiu to participate in this matter, Song Xiu still wanted to do her part and persuade Xu Jie about this matter. The only culprit was Luo Runnian, she didn't need to blame herself too much.


