The upcoming law series revolves around a selfish lawyer who one day gets sucked into a parallel universe. In this parallel universe, the once selfish lawyer must live a completely opposite life as a justice-driven prosecutor.
Singer/actor Rain takes on the lead role of lawyer Lee Jae Sang - an ace attorney who will do anything, even if it means getting dirty, to win a case. However, a strange car accident throws him into a parallel universe.
Alongside Rain, Lim Ji Yeon plays Lee Jae Sang's ex-girlfriend of 10 years, named Ra Si On. In one world, she's a prosecutor with a deep grudge against her ex; but in the parallel universe, she becomes a loving, stay-at-home wife for her justice-loving prosecutor husband. Finally, Kwak Si Yang becomes Ra Si On's trusted sunbae inspector Goo Dong Taek.
'Welcome 2 Life' is currently carrying out its final castings for the drama's main cast. The series is slated to premiere some time in July, after 'Partners for Justice' season 2.