OMEGA X Signs With New Agency

Jul 3, 2023

OMEGA X Signs With New Agency


OMEGA X has found a new agency to call home!

On July 3, a representative of IPQ (formerly Picturesque) announced, “We signed an exclusive contract with OMEGA X.”

They remarked, “We are happy to accompany OMEGA X. Our agency will not only support OMEGA X’s activities as an idol group but also expand individual members’ activities in various fields such as acting, musicals, broadcasts, and solo and unit activities as well as [partaking in] original soundtracks using the infrastructure that we established through monitoring of illegal copyright [activities], online distribution, and video production.

The agency also added, “We will protect the members by [taking] strong legal action without any settlement or leniency against intentional slander or defamation toward OMEGA X with the resumption of their scheduled activities.”

With the businesses of domestic and international online distribution as well as the detection and elimination of illegal IP (Intellectual Property) copyright activities using their own monitoring program, IPQ established close relationships with OTT (over-the-top) content, platforms, and copyright companies. Through such infrastructure, IPQ plans to contribute to the various activities of OMEGA X members.

In particular, IPQ is the production company of the web drama “A Shoulder to Cry On” which OMEGA X members Jaehan and Yechan starred in previously. With the signing of an exclusive contract with OMEGA X, IPQ is expected to stand tall not only as a comprehensive IP production company and cultural IP creator that produces webtoons, games, and web dramas but also as an agency.

OMEGA X debuted in 2021 with their first mini album “VAMOS” and released several albums with various charms. Last year, the group successfully completed their world tour “CONNECT: Don’t give up.” Previously in April 2023, OMEGA X released their new digital single “Dream” and is actively participating in radio programs and television broadcasts as well as music shows.

Congratulations, and wishing all the best for OMEGA X’s new start!


Source: Soompi

Tags: #OMEGA;

