MAKE UP: List of super-stylish makeup from Korean goddesses

Dec 17, 2018


1. Wing eyes like Chaeyoung (TWICE)


Chaeyoung left a deep impression on the audience with K-Pop doll makeup combined with Western personality style. To have special eyes like Chaeyoung, you need to prepare a water eyelid or pen. Make strong hands with a long cat eyes and then add the eyes in the lower lash to complete the wings. With this bold make-up, the lipstick should only be used neutral neutral colors you.



Ghi sổ những style trang điểm siêu độc từ các nữ thần xứ kim chi Seulgi (Red Velvet), Rose (Blackpink), HyunA…


2. Pinky face like Rosé (BLACKPINK)


It is difficult to make a moderate make-up for the face when Rose gives her brilliant red hair. Rose chooses pinkish brown eyeshadow and coral lipstick to create a very harmonious beauty.



Ghi sổ những style trang điểm siêu độc từ các nữ thần xứ kim chi Seulgi (Red Velvet), Rose (Blackpink), HyunA…


3. CL and super-dark eyeliner lines


CL is one of the most prominent makeup artists in Kpop. During Hello Hello Bitches, CL uses thick copper eyeshadows with thick eyeliner, and her lips make her dark eyes look more impressive.



Ghi sổ những style trang điểm siêu độc từ các nữ thần xứ kim chi Seulgi (Red Velvet), Rose (Blackpink), HyunA…


4. Jennie (BLACKPINK) with red lips and dreamy eyes


The key to a perfect make-up is that you have to balance the color of your eyes and lips. Jennie's lines are not prominent, but she is very good at pressing to turn up the strength of her. Jennie's eyes are often made with light brown shadows, eyeliner close to her lashes, and her lip will be highlighted in red.



Ghi sổ những style trang điểm siêu độc từ các nữ thần xứ kim chi Seulgi (Red Velvet), Rose (Blackpink), HyunA…


5. Lisa's charming eyes (BLACKPINK)


Big eyes are Lisa's big advantage. She just smoked eye color eyeliner eyeliner eye cat was beauty was raised to some. If you love Lisa, you need to buy some pairs of light color before makeup.



Ghi sổ những style trang điểm siêu độc từ các nữ thần xứ kim chi Seulgi (Red Velvet), Rose (Blackpink), HyunA…






