Kim Nam Gil, Kim Sung Kyun took pictures with cherry blossoms

Apr 17, 2019



In the open photos, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Sung-gyun, Myeongjung, Geonjung, and Gold Seok are enjoying cherry blossom viewing by taking time off during shooting. The actors with laughing smiles give a hearty smile. Especially, he joined the high school which is a villain in the drama, and completed a good certification shot of five people who can not be found in the drama. 

Kim Nam-gil and Kim Sung-gyun boasted Kimchi in reality. The two men are in the same posing, reaching for the cherry blossoms. It is full of pleasure in the appearance of those who make a full face. The two men 's Kimi, who seem to come out of the movie as if it was a gimhae and Dae - young, pop out of the movie. 

On this day, the actors were shooting the scene of escape from the 35th secret money box in the past, and found the cherry blossoms in full bloom, It is the back door that it was able to carry out photography more energetically by charging energy with watching the bright cherry blossoms. 




