[K-Drama]: Advertising brands will cancel Song Hye Kyo's contracts after believing divorce with Song Joong Ki

Jun 27, 2019

According to the Kukmin Ilbo newspaper, the Kim Chi advertising industry is currently in a difficult position, forced to deal with the unpredictable consequences of the announcement of the divorce of Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki widespread.
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Jong Suk
A source in the advertising industry said: “From the subjective point of view of an advertising company that values product brand image, they are in a very disadvantageous situation and are forced to quickly replaced his advertising ambassador.
Lee Jong Suk
In the latest article, Dyson - the brand of home appliances used by Song Hye Kyo as a model, is considering revising the advertisements planned for next month. In more urgent cases, they are trying to find another model through advertising agencies.
Lee Jong Suk
Brands Amore Pacific and Dyson revealed that there are no terms on personal matters in advertising contracts. SueComma Bonnie also stated: "There is still a contract period, but we have not decided anything regarding the contract adjustment." Currently, Song Hye Kyo is an advertising model for Dyson, Amore Pacific, Vedi Vero sunglasses and ICIS.
Lee Jong Suk

