Criminal action movies by Ma Dong Seok, Kim Moo Yul and Kim Sung Kyu Released the first series of posters

Mar 23, 2019


Recently, Kiwi Media Group released the first posters for the movie 'The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil' with the participation of three main actors Ma Dong Seok, Kim Moo Yul and Kim Sung Kyu.


Phim hàng động tội phạm mới nhất của Ma Dong Seok, Kim Moo Yul và Kim Sung Kyu tung loạt poster đầu tiên



Phim hàng động tội phạm mới nhất của Ma Dong Seok, Kim Moo Yul và Kim Sung Kyu tung loạt poster đầu tiên



Reportedly, The Gangster, The Cop, Devil is a crime action movie about a gang boss who survived after becoming the target of a serial killer and a detective cooperating with him. to catch the killer.


In the movie, actor Ma Dong Seok will take on the role of Jang Dong Soo, a gang boss from Cheonan County. Jang Dong Soo is the only person who survived and was a witness to a series of murders and a helper in finding the killer.


Phim hàng động tội phạm mới nhất của Ma Dong Seok, Kim Moo Yul và Kim Sung Kyu tung loạt poster đầu tiên



Actor Kim Moo Yul plays Jeong Tae Seok, a detective of Cheonan Police Headquarters. Jeong Tae Seok never gave in to a criminal and hated the crowd, but because he wanted to catch a serial killer soon, he cooperated with Jang Dong Soo.


Meanwhile, actor Kim Sung Kyu will play the serial killer Kang Kyung Ho. Kang Kyeong Ho is a cruel killer without a pattern and his crimes are perfect, even the police do not realize he is a serial killer. However, Kang Kyung Ho provoked Jang Dong Soo and made a mistake in his perfection.


The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil will be directed by Lee Won Tae, and is expected to be released in May 2019.



