[C-Drama]: "My True Friend" will broadcast last episode by Deng Lun, Zhu Yi Long, Angelababy is received many positive feedbacks
Jun 14, 2019
In "My True Friend", Angelababy takes on the role of Cheng Zheng Zheng, representing the image of young people who strive hard in the large city. This female character is original, has a way of behaving and suffering hard. At the same time, she has a tenacious and enthusiastic personality and strong ability to empathize with someone who has always given her positive energy.
In the latest episode of the drama, Cheng Zheng Zheng and Shao Peng Cheng had a kiss in the rain, Angelababy took the image of a young girl immersed in the sweetness of love.
You can watch "My True Friend" at link:
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